What is this project about?
Tipping Points 4 Justice is an Erasmus+ funded project by Civil Action Network, HUMUS and Stowarzyszenie Czasu Kultury. By facilitating skillshare weekends in Austria and Poland, the project aims to support activists, educators and trainers working to strengthen social movements.
In addition, Tipping Points 4 Justice created a handbook that provides valuable how-tos and the most important learnings from the collective experience in organising skill sharing events. It intends to support people who have similar plans – whether facilitating skill-shares, organizing large emancipatory events or empowering and networking groups.
You can download the handbook here:
The project “Tipping Points 4 Justice”, is co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme as a Small Scale Partnership (Project Number: 2022-1-AT01-KA210-ADU-000083542). Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the OeAD-GmbH can be held responsible.

Hard facts
Skillshare weekends in Austria and Poland for activists, educators and trainers working to strengthen social movements.
Target Group: Activists, educators and trainers working to strengthen social movements in Austria and/ or Poland
Location and Frequency Two times in Poland (Poznan, 2023) and three times in Austria (Graz 2024, Salzburg 2023 and Vienna 2023)
Duration: a weekend
If you are interested to hear more, reach out to team@civilaction.net.