Dialogue Walks

What is this project about?

With the dialogue walks, we aim to create spaces for exchange and meeting across social bubbles in the open air. The walks blend group movement with exchange on current topics related to participation, community, and civil society. Recognizing that walking enhances thinking, we utilize this format for collective reflection and group exchange.
The walk guides facilitate discussions on various topics, providing opportunities for dialogue in pairs and as a group, for silent and vocal reflection, and for getting to know each other. Moderation establishes a safe framework, encouraging participants to express their thoughts and feelings.

Each walk concludes with a healthy snack, offering a chance to wrap up the walk together in a relaxed and comfortable manner.

Hard facts

Spaces to engage with current social topics, with people you might otherwise never meet – while going for a walk together.

Target Group: everyone
Location: outside
Duration: typically 3 hours
Frequency: on request
Costs: on request


If you are interested to hear more, want to organise a dialog walk by yourself and want us to support you or if you would like us to facilitate a dialogue walk for you and a group of friends/ collegues/ neighbors reach out to team@civilaction.net.