Thema: Community Building

  • Can Together Dec 23

    It’s been a while since we had a public event that was not about any super specific topic. That’s why on Dec 14th we are super excited to welcome you to a potluck style get together at Grünentorgasse 16/19, starting at 17:00. There will be lots of space to connect with other engaged people that…

  • Carrots In Jars

    Leftover carrots from a bio-farmer we will prepare and conserve. This evening you can learn about pickling, experiment, chat and exchange. Material we will provide, but if you have some jars at home, feel welcome to bring them- and take them home filled 🙂 For questions please write to sonia.borkowicz@civilaction.netLooking forward to pickle with you!

  • reflaction Days 2023

    22.-26. November 2023 | Boku Lehrforst, Lower Austria Social change is a long game. To keep playing it, rest, reflection and regeneration are just as important as strategizing and taking bold action. The reflAction Days are The calling As active people who envision a more just and peaceful world, we are passionate about our different causes.…

  • Meeting Through Movement

    Begegnung durch Bewegung

    Durch spielerische Bewegung und den Einsatz von allen Sinnen vertiefen wir unsere Verbindung zum öffentlichen Raum, zu anderen Mitmenschen und zu uns selbst.

  • Stammtisch – November 23

    Das monatliche Treffen ist nun schon seit einiger Zeit ein fester Bestandteil von CAN. Dieses Mal wollen wir etwas anderes ausprobieren: Statt in einer Bar möchten wir Dich in die Grünentorgasse 16/19, 1090 Wien zu einem bewussteren Treffen einladen. Das Thema des Abends ist “freudiges Engagement”. Wir laden Dich ein, gegen 19 Uhr zu kommen…