What are Out of Action Spaces?

Political actions like demonstrating, protesting, or non-violent direct action can be very intense experiences. When we go to the edges of what is legal and acceptable behavior to express our political opinion, we are often met with resistance and sometimes even with violence – be it by police or bystanders. This can be a very intense experience, that brings up a lot of emotions. To make sure this intensity doesn’t turn into trauma, it’s immensely important to have a space to debrief, share emotions, and take care of any arising needs collectively. This is what Out of Action Spaces are for. They are held by people who were not part of the action themselves and therefore have a greater capacity to support others. Another function of an Out of Action Space is to collectively make meaning out of what happened, even if the main goals of an action (e.g. blocking the construction of fossil infrastructure) could not be reached. We will support you to answer the question: Why was it still meaningful to do this?

Who is it for?

We offer Out of Action Spaces for individual affinity groups or openly for anyone who joined an action. If you are planning an action or to take part in one and would like our support afterward, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can coordinate the logistics with ease. 


A three-hour long Out of Action Spaces held by two people costs 400€. Currently, we have funding that allows us to offer Out of Action Spaces at a discount or for free, to those who need it. If you can contribute financially it means the funding will last longer and be available for work with groups who really can’t afford to pay.