6. Langweiliger Verwaltungskram

Getting Paid by CAN

If you did some work for CAN that you are supposed to get paid for, please follow these steps:

  1. Write an invoice or Honorary Note (Austrian invoice) with the following information
    • Adressary
      • Civil Action Network – Zivilgesellschaft für Frieden
      • Malzgasse 4/11
      • 1020 Vienna – Austria
    • Project name and task you took (for example dialogue walk, facilitation)
    • Date of your work and amount of hours
    • Agreed salary
    • Your bank details
    • –> You can use this template if you don’t have an invoice system setup. 
  2. If you had any expenses like travel cost or if you spend money on materials please fill out this reimbursement form and send us the original receipts via email (see below)
  3. Send your invoice or reimbursement form to invoices@civilaction.net
    • As a subject line please add the name of the project
    • Please include a quick summary of the type of work you did, the amount to be paid your banking details in the body of the email
    • Attach your invoice, reimbursement forms, and original receipts to the email. Make sure that your name and the project name are included in the file names.






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